What's Covered and What's Not
What Is Covered
The University's general liability insurance program covers damage, loss, or injury that results from the routine operations of the University and isn't covered by other, more specific insurance programs. It extends to every campus department and to every employee doing University business. Among the more common claims under general liability are:
- Injuries to campus visitors
- Damage to property not owned by the University
Claims are evaluated on their merits. Filing a claim does not mean it will be paid.
What Is NOT Covered
- Damage, loss, or injury not caused by the University
- Injuries to employees working in the course and scope of employment (covered under Workers' Compensation, which is administered by Disability Management Services. See more information about Workers' Compensation)
- Breach of contract allegations
- Hazardous waste or pollution spills
- Land use disputes
General, Automobile, and Employment Liability (GAEL) Charges
The General, Automobile, and Employment Liability (GAEL) charge was instituted in 1998 to fund the campus's share of expenses associated with claims and lawsuits defended by the University. It is essentially a payroll tax. This applies to all funds, including gifts and grants, with the exception of direct federal contracts, grants, and flow-throughs.
The GAEL rates for the previous fiscal years have been:
- FY26 $2.35/$100 of payroll
- FY25 $2.05
- FY24 $2.05
- FY23 $1.75
- FY22 $1.75
- FY21 $1.55
- FY20 $1.55
- FY19 $1.55
- FY18 $1.15
- FY17 $1.00
- FY16 $0.95
- FY15 $0.90
- FY14 $0.90
- FY13 $0.85
If you have questions, please contact risk@berkeley.edu
On-the-Job Injuries
If an employee is injured on the job, call the Workers' Compensation Office at 643-7921.
Any Workers' Compensation-related forms, including Volunteer Forms, should be directed to the Workers' Compensation Office at Mail Code 4300.
Reports of non-employee injuries should be sent to Risk Services.
Hazardous Waste Accidents
If there is a hazardous waste spill in your department, call Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) immediately at 642-3073. Also call the UC Police at 642-6760. During non-business hours, call the police first.
If you don't have a crisis but you learn of conditions that can lead to one, call EH&S immediately.
EH&S handles problems with:
- Air, water, and land pollutants
- Asbestos and other carcinogens
- Excessive noise
- Fire hazards
EH&S provides information and training in workplace safety, illness prevention, and fire prevention.