A vendor is a company or businessperson who provides your Registered Student Organization with goods or services, usually for a fee. Vendors can be:
- DJs, bands, or other performers
- Restaurants or caterers
- Bounce house concessionaires or purveyors of other fun stuff
The goods or services provided by vendors can lead to liability. For instance, the food prepared and served by caterers could lead to food poisoning. There is no reason why you or your student group should be liable for the negligence of a vendor. Nor should the University, unless the University itself is the vendor (unlikely).
For ON-campus events, vendors need to give the University a Certificate of Insurance prior to the event. They cannot piggy-back on your coverage. If the vendor does not have insurance, it can obtain event coverage through Marsh, the University's insurance broker, by going to the Marsh Campus Connexxions web site and clicking on the link for Vendors and Contractors, then clicking on the link for Liability insurance. Or the service provider can call Marsh at 866-838-9536.
The University requires a Certificate of Insurance from service providers that includes the following:
- The vendor must be listed as the Insured.
- Your Registered Student Organization and THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA must be listed as "Additional Insureds".
- The Insurer/Producer name and contact information must be on the Certificate.
- The policy start and end date must encompass the date of your event.
- The policy must include General Liability coverage of at least $1,000,000.
- If the vendor is bringing a vehicle onto campus, the policy must include Automobile Liability coverage of at least $1,000,000.
- If the vendor is bringing employees onto campus, the policy must include evidence of California Workers' Compensation coverage.
- The Certificate must provide 30 days' advance written notice to the University of any modification, change, or cancellation of any component of the insurance coverage.
For vendors coming to your OFF-campus student events, the Certificate of Insurance requirement is not mandatory, but it remains in your best interest to make sure the vendor is insuring its goods or services.